Tesla patent drawings

Nikola Tesla Patents

Tesla was granted nearly 200 patents worldwide

36 neap. seng , ald in. valveless en the same principle of operation as those used for other forms of generator, No governing devices are shown in the drawing it is true, but the drawing is only a conventional representation of an ordinary steam engine, and that such an engine was intended is evidenced by the fact that a steam chest is clearly shown as a part of it. hist In the absence of any limit or suggestion that any other than the common form of engine is intended, and with the, in fact, positive evidence to the contrary, it cannot be presumed that the engine shown is capable of any other operation or function than is exhibited by the ordinary forms. of such engines, it could not have been said in 1876, and it cannot be sa id now, that the piston is free to move under the action of steam or a gas under pressure. Remove from such engines the governing elements and as a rule they come to a standstill. In other words, selecting an engine controlled by a slide valve, and of which the cylinder and steam chest of the Jablochkoff drawing is a vonventional representation, if the fly wheel be disconnected the piston would came to a dead stop, unless an arrangement radically different from that usually adopted in such engines for the control of the admission and exhaust of the steam, be made, but more than this such an arrangement as would successfully accomplish the objects contemplated involves a knowledge of the principles of applicant's invention, and of such knowledge there is not. the slightest evidence. -2