Tesla patent drawings

Nikola Tesla Patents

Tesla was granted nearly 200 patents worldwide

12 hould gire the sorial number, date of fiing, and title of lavendon Any gomasundontion respecting this application N. Tesla, c/o Duncan & Page, (2-07La) DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR, UNITED STATES PATENT OFFICE, Room No....87. All communications should be addressed to "The Commissioner of Patents, Washington, D. C." #120 Bdwy., N.Y.City. WASHINGTON, D. c., Oct. 30, 1893. Subject: Electric Generators. OCT 30 1893 Filed Aug. 19, 1893. No. Please find below a communication from the EXAMINED in charge of the application above noted. be identified by its serial number. 483,582. Itens. Seperear The application referred to near the top of page 1 should Commissioner of Patents.. Claims 1, 2, 3 and 4 are rejected. Claims 1 and 3 are fully met by English pa tent to Varley, # 5,055, Oct. 24, 1882, and French patent to Deprez , #154,448, March 22, 1883-3 Ser. Vol. 47-11 c12. 2B.p. 38, pl. 14, "Magneto Electric. Claims 2 and 4 are objectionable for the reason that they are limited merely by the function of the apparatus. Claim 3 is objectionable further for the reason that it includes two alternative constructions, namely, the generator shown in Fig. 1 and also that shown in Fig. 2. Both can not be specifically claimed in the same application. Ges. L. Morton soluz Ecan