Tesla patent drawings

Nikola Tesla Patents

Tesla was granted nearly 200 patents worldwide

) Mr. Parker W. Page, Dear Sir:- 120 Broadway, New York City. New York, Nov. 15th, 1897. In compliance with the request expressed in your letter of Nov. 9th, which, with copy of the communication of the Patent Office referring to my application for transmission of power, No. 650343, was duly received, I would make the following statements, hoping that they will be sufficient to dispell all doubts which may exist in the mind of the Examiner in regard to the various points touched upon by him. His objections are such as would be likely raised by the majority of scientific men unacquainted with the results obtained by me, for these are in some respects radically opposed to the accepted views and theories. I fail to see why the Examiner would require of me to describe a specific arrangement for maintaining a terminal at a higher elevation than say, 15 000 feet. It is a matter of record that observers with instruments and ballast have gone to heights of some seven to eight thousand meters, and that they have been able to take readings of the temperature and pressure existing in such al(1) [This page retyped from microfilm for better readability - Ed.] 143