Tesla patent drawings

Nikola Tesla Patents

Tesla was granted nearly 200 patents worldwide

122 Room No... Dict. communications should be addressed to "The Commixionar of Patents, Washington, D. C." Nikola Tesla, 2-071 DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR, ward UNITED STATES PATENT OFFICE, c/o Kerr, Curtis & Page, 120 Broadway, New York. Any communication respecting this application should give the serial number. date of filing, and title of laveation. WASHINGTON, D. C.." Oct. 4, 1897. TENT OFFICE OCT 4 1887 MAILED DIV Please find below a communication from the EXAMINER in charge of your application for System of Tran amission of Electrical Energy; filed Sept. 2, 1897; Sar.No. 650,343. Buj Butterworth Commissioner of Patents. The claims in this case are rejected on petent to 465 471 Edison # 465,941 Dec. 29, 1891,- Circuits and Systems, end Marconi # 586,193 July 13, 1897, same clasa. Attention is also called to patent to Smith #247,127 Sept. 13, 1881,- Railway, Cab, and to a brief description of experiments made in this art by Professor Loomis;- see journal of The Telegraph Oct. 16, 1879, page 309. Handter BrĂ¼ning L 150