Newspaper and magazine articles related to Nikola Tesla

Nikola Tesla Articles

Newspaper and magazine articles related to Nikola Tesla

Tesla Is Not Sick

January 17th, 1900
Page number(s):

And He Says He is Going to Telegraph from New York to Paris Without Wires

Denver, Col., Jan. 14. - Nikola Tesla proposes to telegraph from New York to Paris without wires. He arrived yesterday from Colorado Springs, where he has been working secretly, and announced that he had perfected a system of wireless telegraphy vastly superior to that of Marconi. He left for New York last night.

Said Mr. Tesla: “I didn’t come to Colorado for my health, but to learn the effect of dry air and high altitude upon the machine I have perfected. The benefits of my machine during a sea fight cannot be estimated. It will aid in doing deadly work.

“The beauty of my machine is that it can transmit power over several thousands of miles without wires. Now the Marconi system is useless at distances of more than one hundred miles. Any operator can read a message in transit by the Marconi system. It is impossible to do this with my machine. I expect to send messages to Paris during the Fair.”


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